Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

Well seed catalogs are arriving in the mail and this is a good time to start planning your garden. Make a diagram of the type of flowers for your containers and/or fillers for your garden.

Did you remember to save some seeds from last year's flowers? Now is a good time to start planning your 'starting your seeds'. I would also suggest getting a calendar so you can journalize and note when you started your seeds, germination time, when transferred to containers/ground, and when blooms appeared. Some seeds are started at different time because of how slow/fast they grow.

Have fun paging through the catalogs and noting what plants to have this year. Hope you took pictures of your containers and garden when they were in full bloom!

If seed starting is not your cup of tea, then just make a list of flowers you like and then start planning how many are needed (how many you bought last year). Impulse buying can be costly; but if you plan and wait for sales (flats) such as marigolds, impatience, and geraniums, you can be a 'smart' shopper.

The days are starting to get longer :-)
Seed Catalogs will be clogging your mailbox
Flower and Garden Show is around the corner!

Just an FYI! There is a robin that has decided to stay for the winter; and I have been trying to get a picture of it feeding on some 'mini' crabapples. The apples are usually gone before winter because of the cedarwaxwings and this year they didn't come so the robin seems to be surviving. I have seen him out there in 0 degrees...............hopping from one branch to another eating enough to survive. He shares with a couple of cardinals...........


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