Monday, August 4, 2008

The Heat is On!

(Coneflowers, monarda, and moonbeam coreopsis do well in heat and less water)

The heat is on and weeds are flourishing! No sprinkler system makes for uneven watering. Thus, it becomes dormant grass and weeds haven. You try to save your flower beds by abiding by the city ordinance on watering on odd/even days and 'No Watering' time between 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, least you risk a fine by the 'city watering patrol'. For homeowners and avid gardeners that are not blessed with a sprinkler system, it becomes a full-time job to orchestrate the concert of moving hoses with a variety of sprinklers attached within a timed soaking. This may be interrupted by a distraction of a phone call or a TV program. The task to evenly water can be a challenge; but the flower containers around the patio and front steps always get the daily attention needed. Also......... mowing less when it’s hot and keeping the lawnmower cutting level at 5 or 6 help manage the lawn. The weather forecast ‘possible thunderstorm’ …………………a welcomed statement, but will it come true! We will have to wait and see!

Enjoy the blooms!

1 comment:

Kelli Renee said...

Looking forward to reading more of your blogs!